Wednesday, September 23, 2020

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)


ISSN is an 8-digit identifier code assigned for regular publications like newspapers, journals, magazines and periodicals of all kinds including electronic publications.

1.    What is ISSN?

Authors always prefer to publish their articles in periodicals with ISSN. ISSN means International Standard Serial Number which is a unique international identifier for serial publications. It is universally accepted as a means to identify serial publications and are assigned to journals since 1970s.  From the end of  1990s, ISSN is also assigned to electronic serials (online, CD-ROM, DVD etc.) and to electronic “ongoing integrating resources” like websites and databases. Thus ISSN formed an eight-digit number which is an identification for periodical publications, including electronic serials. The ISSN is a numeric code which is used as an identifier. The ISSN number is published as -the acronym ISSN followed by two groups of four digits separated by a hyphen. The eighth character is a control digit calculated according to a modulo eleven algorithm on the basis of this seven preceding digits. This eighth control character may be an “X” if the result of the computing is equal to “10”, in order to avoid any ambiguity (figure 1).


Fig 1- ISSN Number

2.    Importance of ISSN

ISSN number and copyright of the journal are not at all related and the procedure to obtain both are entirely different. ISSN is generally printed on a prominent place, such as at the top right hand corner of the front cover, near the title on every issue. The number of copies produced is not related to the ISSN assignment. ISSN is assigned to publications that are intended to be published continuously on a regular or irregular basis. Eg: Journals, Proceedings, Annual reports, Quarterly reports, Biannual reports, Bulletins, Newsletters, proceedings etc. The ISSN identifies the title of the serial publications and the same ISSN can be used as long as the title remains the same. If there is any change in the title, it is mandatory to inform the ISSN office. Title change would also cause change in ISSN. ISSN is also assigned to good quality ‘Online publications”. Also, other types of regular electronic publication formats, such as DVD’s and CD-ROM’s are assigned with ISSN. If same periodical is published in different languages, then separate ISSN is required for each language. There is no expiry date for ISSN. If the publisher is unable to publish the forthcoming 2 issues, then also it should be intimated to the ISSN office.

3.    How to get ISSN?

Each country is having a respective national authority for ISSN. Publishers can apply for ISSN in advance of publication. Application can be completed and submitted online or can be sent in printed format through post or fax to the ISSN international authority for international publication and ISSN national authority. All details can be had from the ISSN website Basic informations required to apply for ISSN includes the proposed title of publication, frequency of publication, proposed start date (month / year) and publisher name and address. However, first issue of publication has to be sent to the centre in order to verify and validate the details. This copy will be passed through to the Legal Deposit Office and subsequent issues can be sent directly to them.

ISSN can be also obtained for existing serial publications. Application for that should include all above mentioned details and some additional informations and documents as mentioned below.

·         For printed publications –A copy of  recent issue

·         For on-line journals- Either the URL or any passwords required (as requested on the form); or a printout of the title screen, and any screens giving publisher information (company name and the place of publication).

·         For CD-ROM or diskette journals- a sample copy or a printout of the title screen together with copies of the labelling, documentation and packaging.

Sample ISSN numbers of the publications

ISSN 0027-9633 (online)

ISSN 0027-9634 (print)


Achalare, R. A., Patil, S. V., Patil, S. S. 2014. Significance of ISSN and ISBN in Publications, Journal of Current Pharma Research, 5(1), 1378-1381.





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