Monday, August 17, 2020

Air borne viral diseases-Dr C R Meera

 A number of diseases are transmitted through air. Airborne diseases are divided into bacterial diseases, viral diseases and fungal diseases. Diseases that are transmitted through air and caused by viruses are known as Air Borne Viral Diseases. Common air borne viral diseases include common cold, influenza, measles, mumps and adenoviral diseases. Causative agent, disease caused and the mode of transmission through air are to be mentioned under airborne viral diseases. 

  1. Common cold

Causative agent of common cold is Rhinovirus. Symptoms include running nose and sometimes respiratory discomfort. It is most frequent of all human infections. Source of infection is the droplets liberated from the nose and throat discharges of the infected patient. Inhalation of the bioaerosols from patients by the healthy individuals will lead to infection.

  1. Influenza 

Causative agent of influenza is Orthomyxovirus. Symptoms include nasal discharge , headache, muscle pain, sore throat and general weakness. Infected patients will liberate bioaerosols into a air by activities like coughing, sneezing, talking etc., and  the inhalation of these bioaerosols by healthy individuals lead to the transmission of infection. 

  1. Measles

Causative agent is Morbilli virus. It is the most common communicable disease of human beings,  mainly affecting children. Symptoms are fever, cough, cold and red blotchy skin rashes. Blotchy skin rashes are irregular red spots on the body. Source of infection is the respiratory tract secretion from the patient as aerosols. Inhalation of these bioaerosols  will lead to the infection in healthy individuals.  

  1. Mumps

Mumps is caused by Mumps virus or Paramyxovirus. It is a communicable disease, also considered as a common childhood disease. Infection is characterized by painful swelling and tenderness of the parotid glands and other salivary glands. Parotid glands are the salivary glands located near the ears. Low grade fever, headache, weakness, fatigue and loss of appetite etc., are other associated symptoms. Source of infection is droplets containing infected saliva and inhalation of the droplets lead to infection. 

  1. Adenoviral Diseases

Adenoviral diseases are caused by Adenoviruses.Adenoviruses are a group of viruses that can cause various respiratory & eye infections like conjunctivitis.  Rrespiratory infections like  common cold, bronchitis and pneumonia can be caused by Adenoviruses. Airborne adenoviral diseases are commonly acute febrile pharyngi, Acute respiratory disease and Adenovirus pneumonia. The transmission mode is through the bioaerosols. 

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